1. Walking off the cliff requires a reset
  2. Quitting the game then re-entering will freeze the timer and player. Enter the pause menu with [ESC]  or [TAB] then resume the game
  3. Lots of ways to cheese it. Don't, please. 

As a player, you're always trying to chase for a goal. This is not that. You are the goal. For some unforeseeable reason, you don't want to be caught. Maybe it's because of the terrifying low-poly nature of the player, maybe it's because you'd be unloaded forever if they leave.

Whatever the reason, you have some objects at your disposal. Plan out your area and place traps and blocks to reroute the player away from you. But when the clock hits 0, you must stay where you are, like a goal post buried deep in the ground. You DON'T want to be near the player when that happens...


SSUnlimited- Rigging of player model

Used Assets

Unity 3rd-Person Character Controller -

This game is one of the very few projects I was ever able to completely finish. When the game jam is over, the code will be open-source. The code is spaghetti though...

Development log